Sunday, August 31, 2008

Oscar Mike!

Hello World,

This is the first post for my last year in Bennington.

For those of you who don't know what's about to happen, I'll tell you. I'm going back to Bennington College for my final year, and I'm doing so without an official place to live.

Did you know that it's always "an" in front of a vowel and "a" in front of a consonant? i.e. an Onion Roll or a Kaiser Roll. I just learned that. I mean, I guess I kinda knew it, but I also kinda didn't.

So I'm going to live in a tent in the woods the whole time I'm at Bennington. I know it sounds crazy, but what this experiment presupposes is: maybe it isn't? I'll sleep in a four season camping hammock I just purchased. I'll set it up each afternoon and take it down each morning. I'm going to shower and get pretty in one of the houses on campus, and I'm going to store my clothes in my painting studio. I'll probably get a campus lunch plan so I have access to food in the afternoon, and I'm contemplating working at the dining hall for one hour each day, around dinnertime, for dinner. I'll eat breakfast in my painting studio each morning when I wake up at 4 a.m. We'll see how that waking up early thing goes.

I know what you're thinking -- "You're gonna freeze!!!"

Actually, I won't. I'm all geared up for winter camping, and if it gets too cold, I'll find a place to sleep on campus somewhere. For those of you who have never been to Bennington, I assure you -- it's easy finding a place to sleep inside one of the buildings.

The idea behind all of this is to save up enough money to buy a house when I get back to Detroit. Also, I'm in a position to partially take myself off the grid for a little while so I'm doing just that. Also, I'm interested in testing my stamina and endurance. I know there are other ways to test these things, but I chose this one.

I'm Oscar Mike from Detroit to Bennington in about sixteen hours!

I'm very excited to be sharing this experience with you guys, and I'm looking forward to getting any feedback y'all might have.

More soon,
